var persistentCartCommands = new Array(8);
persistentCartCommands[0] = '/checkout/universal_cart.jsp';
persistentCartCommands[1] = '/checkout/add_item_pc.cmd';
persistentCartCommands[2] = '/checkout/add_items_pc.cmd';
persistentCartCommands[3] = '/checkout/delete_item_in_cart.cmd';
persistentCartCommands[4] = '/checkout/add_catalog_order_item_pc.cmd';
persistentCartCommands[5] = '/checkout/add_item_pc.cmd';
// stran, 9/7/2009, change add item to cart from wish list command to not remove item from wish list
// persistentCartCommands[5] = '/user/add_wishlist_item_to_basket_pc.cmd';
persistentCartCommands[6] = '/user/add_all_wishlist_items_to_basket_pc.cmd';
persistentCartCommands[7] = '/user/instore_pickup_zip_json_pc.jsp';
persistentCartCommands[10] = '/user/add_shoppinglist_item_to_basket_pc.cmd';
var persistentCartContainerId = "#widget-ucart";
var persistentCartCloseButClass = ".widget-ucart-close-but";
var hideTimeOuts= new Array();
var ucartLoadingHTML = '
var ucartSimpleHTML = '';
/* Function(s) to Show the Basket Layer */
function showBasket(action,params,refreshPage,refreshDelayTime) {
if( (action == "show") || (action == "showFromQuickview") )
{ showloading(ucartLoadingHTML); requestURL = persistentCartCommands[0]; }
else if(action == "addProduct")
{ showloading(ucartSimpleHTML); requestURL = persistentCartCommands[1];}
else if(action == "addEnsemble")
{ showloading(ucartSimpleHTML); requestURL = persistentCartCommands[2];}
else if(action == "remove")
{ showloading(ucartLoadingHTML); requestURL = persistentCartCommands[3];}
else if(action == "addCatalogItems")
{ showloading(ucartSimpleHTML); requestURL = persistentCartCommands[4];}
else if(action == "addProductWishlist")
{ showloading(ucartSimpleHTML); requestURL = persistentCartCommands[5];}
else if(action == "addAllProductsWishlist")
{ showloading(ucartSimpleHTML); requestURL = persistentCartCommands[6];}
else if(action == "addProductToShoppinglist")
{ showloading(ucartSimpleHTML); requestURL = persistentCartCommands[10];}
{ alert("missing action"); }
requestURL = requestURL;
params = "ts=" + timestamp() + "&action=" + action + "&" + params;
type: "POST",
url: requestURL,
data: params,
dataType: "html",
timeout: 15000,
success: function(data) {
if (refreshPage != undefined && refreshPage) {
setTimeout( function() { location.reload(true); }, refreshDelayTime != undefined? refreshDelayTime : 0);
return true;
error: function() {
return false;
function showloading(htmlToShow) {
//load, position, show new cart
// add an event for close layer.
//$(persistentCartCloseButClass).click(function() { hideBasket(); });
function hideloading() {
$(persistentCartContainerId + " *").remove();
//edit this function to position cart.
function positionpersistentCart() {
newLeft = 10 + ($("body").width() / 2) + ( $(".common-template-shell").width() / 2 ) - $(persistentCartContainerId).width();
$(persistentCartContainerId).css("left", newLeft+"px");
$(persistentCartContainerId).css("top", "70px");
//edit this function to update the setup
function setupPersistentCartButtons() {
// draw focus near this
window.location = "#";
$(persistentCartCloseButClass).off("click").click(function() {
//Edit this function if need to do something special on basket close.
function hideBasket() {
//show select for IE7
shoppingBagBut = $("#widget-header-active-link").eq(0);
function updateHeader(amt) {
if(amt == 1)
{ $("#widget-ucart-item-count").text(amt + " item(s)"); }
{ $("#widget-ucart-item-count").text(amt + " item(s)");}
function addToCart(prefix, container) {
var scope = $(prefix);
if (container)
scope = $(container).parents(prefix);
var productVariantId = $("input[name=productVariantId]", scope).val();
if (productVariantId == null || productVariantId == undefined)
productVariantId = $("input[name=productVariantId2]", scope).val();
params = "productName=" + $("input[name=productName]", scope).val() +
"&productId=" + $("input[name=productId]", scope).val() +
"&categoryId=" + $("input[name=categoryId]", scope).val() +
"&parentCategoryId=" + $("input[name=parentCategoryId]", scope).val() +
"&subCategoryId=" + $("input[name=subCategoryId]", scope).val() +
"&quantity=" + $("input[name=quantity]", scope).val() +
"&productVariantId=" + productVariantId;
//stran - 08/5/09 Setting productType
var productType = $("input[name=productType]", scope).val();
if(productType != null && productType != undefined ){
params = params + "&productType="+productType;
//stran - 08/11/09, adding special instructions param
var specialInstructions = $("textarea[name=specialInstructions]", scope).val();
if(specialInstructions != null && specialInstructions != undefined ){
params = params + "&specialInstructions="+specialInstructions;
//stran - 08/17/09, adding cake design param
var cakeDesign = $("select[name=cakeDesign]", scope).val();
if(cakeDesign != null && cakeDesign != undefined ){
params = params + "&cakeDesign="+cakeDesign;
var cakeFlavor = $("select[name=cakeFlavor]", scope).val();
if(cakeFlavor != null && cakeFlavor != undefined ){
params = params + "&cakeFlavor="+cakeFlavor;
var icingType = $("select[name=icingType]", scope).val();
if(icingType != null && icingType != undefined ){
params = params + "&icingType="+icingType;
var icingFlavor = $("select[name=icingFlavor]", scope).val();
if(icingFlavor != null && icingFlavor != undefined ){
params = params + "&icingFlavor="+icingFlavor;
var icingColor = $("select[name=icingColor]", scope).val();
if(icingColor != null && icingColor != undefined ){
params = params + "&icingColor="+icingColor;
var icingColorBorder = $("select[name=icingColorBorder]", scope).val();
if(icingColorBorder != null && icingColorBorder != undefined ){
params = params + "&icingColorBorder="+icingColorBorder;
var cakeInscription = $("textarea[name=cakeInscription]", scope).val();
if(cakeInscription != null && cakeInscription != undefined ){
params = params + "&cakeInscription="+cakeInscription;
//see if this is an update.
if( $("input[name=itemGUID]", scope).size() > 0 )
{ params = params + "&itemGUID=" + $("input[name=itemGUID]", scope).val() + "&isUpdate=1"; }
if( $("input[name=onBasketPage]", scope).size() > 0 )
{ params = params + "&onBasketPage=" + $("input[name=onBasketPage]", scope).val(); }
if (prefix != undefined)
params = params + "&prefix=" + prefix;
function wishListAddToCart(prefix, params,refreshPage,refreshDelayTime) {
var productType = $("input[name=productType]", scope).val();
if(productType != null && productType != undefined ){
params = params + "&productType="+productType;
var specialInstructions = $("textarea[name=specialInstructions]", scope).val();
if(specialInstructions == null || specialInstructions == undefined ){
specialInstructions = $("input[name=specialInstructions]", scope).val();
if(specialInstructions != null && specialInstructions != undefined ){
params = params + "&specialInstructions="+specialInstructions;
var cakeDesign = $("select[name=cakeDesign]", scope).val();
if(cakeDesign == null || cakeDesign == undefined ){
cakeDesign = $("input[name=cakeDesign]", scope).val();
if(cakeDesign != null && cakeDesign != undefined ){
params = params + "&cakeDesign="+cakeDesign;
var cakeFlavor = $("select[name=cakeFlavor]", scope).val();
if(cakeFlavor == null || cakeFlavor == undefined ){
cakeFlavor = $("input[name=cakeFlavor]", scope).val();
if(cakeFlavor != null && cakeFlavor != undefined ){
params = params + "&cakeFlavor="+cakeFlavor;
var icingType = $("select[name=icingType]", scope).val();
if(icingType == null || icingType == undefined ){
icingType = $("input[name=icingType]", scope).val();
if(icingType != null && icingType != undefined ){
params = params + "&icingType="+icingType;
var icingFlavor = $("select[name=icingFlavor]", scope).val();
if(icingFlavor == null || icingFlavor == undefined ){
icingFlavor = $("input[name=icingFlavor]", scope).val();
if(icingFlavor != null && icingFlavor != undefined ){
params = params + "&icingFlavor="+icingFlavor;
var icingColor = $("select[name=icingColor]", scope).val();
if(icingColor == null || icingColor == undefined ){
icingColor = $("input[name=icingColor]", scope).val();
if(icingColor != null && icingColor != undefined ){
params = params + "&icingColor="+icingColor;
var icingColorBorder = $("select[name=icingColorBorder]", scope).val();
if(icingColorBorder == null || icingColorBorder == undefined ){
icingColorBorder = $("input[name=icingColorBorder]", scope).val();
if(icingColorBorder != null && icingColorBorder != undefined ){
params = params + "&icingColorBorder="+icingColorBorder;
var cakeInscription = $("textarea[name=cakeInscription]", scope).val();
if(cakeInscription == null || cakeInscription == undefined ){
cakeInscription = $("input[name=cakeInscription]", scope).val();
if(cakeInscription != null && cakeInscription != undefined ){
params = params + "&cakeInscription="+cakeInscription;
function wishListAddAllToCart(params,refreshPage,refreshDelayTime) {
function shoppingListAddToCart(params,refreshPage,refreshDelayTime) {
function addCatalogOrderItemsToCart() {
params = "productId=" + $("input[name=productId]").val() +
"&itemNumber=" + $("input[name=itemNumber]").val() +
"&productName=" + $("input[name=productName]").val() +
"&productVariantId=" + $("input[name=productVariantId]").val() +
"&quantity=" + $("input[name=quantity]").val();
function addEnsembleToCart(type) {
params = "productName=" + $("input[name=productName]").val() +
"&ensembleId=" + $("input[name=ensembleId]").val() +
"&categoryId=" + $("input[name=categoryId]").val() +
"&parentCategoryId=" + $("input[name=parentCategoryId]").val();
// iterate through products in the ensemble for variant id
$(".the-variant-ids").each(function() {
params = params + "&" + $(this).attr("name") + "=" + $(this).val();
// iterate through products for qty
$(".the-variant-qtys").each(function() {
if( type == 'all' )
params = params + "&" + $(this).attr("name") + "=1";
{ params = params + "&" + $(this).attr("name") + "=" + $(this).val(); }
// iterate through products variant count
$(".the-variant-count").each(function() {
params = params + "&" + $(this).attr("name") + "=" + $(this).val();
params = params + "&productCount=" + $(".the-variant-ids").length;
function setUserZipCodePC(refresh) {
var params = "ts=" + timestamp() + "&action=updateUserZipCode" +
"&storesListZipCode=" + $("input[name=storesListZipCodePC]").val() +
"&storesListLatitude=" + $("input[name=storesListLatitudePC]").val() +
"&storesListLongitude=" + $("input[name=storesListLongitudePC]").val();
var requestURL = persistentCartCommands[7];
type: "GET",
url: requestURL,
data: params,
dataType: "json",
timeout: 15000,
success: function(data) {
if (refresh) {
showBasket('show', '');
return true;
error: function() {
alert('There was an error trying to save your zip code.');
return false;
// Edit this per site to adjust location
function adjustDivLocation(divToAdjust) {
var bWindowOffsets = getScrollXY();
var bWindowViewport = getViewportSize();
var qvTop = ((bWindowViewport[1] / 2) - ($(divToAdjust).height() / 2)) + bWindowOffsets[1];
qvTop = (qvTop < 0) ? 100 : qvTop;
// Helper Function(s)
function getScrollXY() {
var scrOfX = 0, scrOfY = 0;
if( typeof( window.pageYOffset ) == 'number' ) {
//Netscape compliant
scrOfY = window.pageYOffset;
scrOfX = window.pageXOffset;
} else if( document.body && ( document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop ) ) {
//DOM compliant
scrOfY = document.body.scrollTop;
scrOfX = document.body.scrollLeft;
} else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop ) ) {
//IE6 standards compliant mode
scrOfY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
scrOfX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
return [ scrOfX, scrOfY ];
function getViewportSize() {
var vpW = 0, vpH = 0;
if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
vpW = window.innerWidth,
vpH = window.innerHeight
else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined' && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth != 'undefined' && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
vpW = document.documentElement.clientWidth,
vpH = document.documentElement.clientHeight
vpW = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth,
vpH = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight
return [ vpW, vpH ];
function errorAppend(area,msg) {
$(area).html(msg.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g,
"<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/'/g, "'"));
if (msg != '') {
function resetErrorFields() {
function messageAppend(area,msg) {
function resetMessageFields() {
function clearAllTimeouts() {
for(x = 0; x < hideTimeOuts.length; x++)
{ clearTimeout(hideTimeOuts[x]); }
function timestamp() {
return new Date().getTime();
function loadQuickView(overlayURL)
if (typeof OverlayWidget != "undefined")"#headerOverlay", null, { sourceURL : overlayURL });
function hideQuickView()
if (typeof OverlayWidget != "undefined") { OverlayWidget.hideAll(); }
function loadOverlay(overlay, overlayURL)
if (typeof OverlayWidget != "undefined"), null, { sourceURL : overlayURL });