var favoriteListCommand = '/user/add_item_to_wishlist.cmd'; var registrationLayerCommand = new Array(8); registrationLayerCommand[0] = '/includes/login_include_layer.jsp'; registrationLayerCommand[1] = '/user/registration_login_layer.cmd'; registrationLayerCommand[2] = '/checkout/add_items_uc.cmd'; registrationLayerCommand[3] = '/checkout/delete_item_in_list.cmd'; var currentContext = ''; var secureContext = ''; var registrationLayerContainerId = "#widget-registration"; var registrationLayerCloseButClass = ".widget-close-but"; var hideTimeOuts= new Array(); var regLoadingHTML = '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'+ '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; var regSimpleHTML = '
'; var postRegister = '/login'; function submitRegistrationLayer(container) { var form = $(container); var userName = ($("input[name=userName]", form).val()); var password = ($("input[name=password]", form).val()); var dest = ($("input[name=dest]", form).val()); dest = jQuery.trim(dest); // if we have an empty dest passed in then let's set it to an empty string. // the empty string says just reload. if (dest == 'undefined') { dest = ''; } var params = "userName=" + userName + "&password=" + password; //params = params + "&dest=" + dest; var postURL = registrationLayerCommand[1]; $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorUserName").hide(); $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorPassword").hide(); $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorGeneral").hide(); $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorUserLocked").hide(); //console.log(postURL); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: postURL, data: params, dataType: "json", timeout: 15000, complete: function() { //hideRegLoading(); //location.reload(true); }, success: function(data) { //hideRegLoading(); //$(registrationLayerContainerId).append(data); //$(registrationLayerContainerId).show(); //if (refreshPage != undefined && refreshPage) { // setTimeout( function() { location.reload(true); }, refreshDelayTime != undefined? refreshDelayTime : 0); if (data.usernameError.length > 0) { $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorUserName").html(data.usernameError); $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorUserName").show(); $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorGeneral").show(); } if (data.passwordError.length > 0) { $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorPassword").html(data.passwordError); $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorPassword").show(); $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorGeneral").show(); } if (data.userLockedError.length > 0) { $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorUserLocked").html(data.userLockedError); $(registrationLayerContainerId + " #errorUserLocked").show(); } if (data.merge == 'true') { hideRegLoading(); if (dest != null && dest != '') { if (dest.indexOf("addToFavorites") > 0) { var uriCurrent = new Uri(window.location); var uriFavorite = new Uri(dest); uriFavorite.replaceQueryParam("dest", encodeURIComponent(uriCurrent.toString())); var uriMerge = uriCurrent.clone().setProtocol("https"); uriMerge.replaceQueryParam("merge", true); if (data.keepLoggedIn != '') { uriMerge.replaceQueryParam("keepLoggedIn", data.keepLoggedIn); } uriMerge.replaceQueryParam("dest", encodeURIComponent(uriFavorite.toString())); utils.url.redirect(uriMerge.toString()); } else { window.location.replace(dest); } } else { window.location.reload(); } } // if the user is successfully logged in then go to the destination if it was set. // else reload the page. else if (data.success == 'true') { hideRegLoading(); var params = dest.substring(dest.indexOf("?") + 1, dest.length); if (dest != null && dest != '') { //bganesan 01/14/10 - The dest variable may contain the command call to add items to favorites and the parameters. //If the call is made from the search results or thumbnails or event details page (identified by addToFavorites variable), perform //an ajax call to add the item to Favorites and display the confirmation message. Also the page should be reloaded since the user just signed in from the //registration layer and will need to be shown as logged in, in the header. if (dest.indexOf("addToFavorites") > 0) { addToFavorites(params, 'true'); } else { window.location.replace(dest); } } else { window.location.reload(); } } }, error: function() { //hideRegLoading(); //return false; } }); } function displayRegistrationLayer() { // No destination on registration default will be to just reload it on submitRegistrationLayer // Pass in an empty dest variable so that it doesn't get set. var params = "dest="; showRegistrationLayer('show',params, false, 0); } // using this when a user clicks register function jumpToRegistrationPage(dest) { var location = ''; window.location = location + encodeURIComponent(dest); } function displayRegistrationLayer(dest) { // Has close button & background overlay // set the destination param var params = "dest=" + encodeURIComponent(dest); showRegistrationLayer('closeshow',params, false, 0); } function displayRegistrationLayerNoClose(dest) { // No close button, no background overlay // set the destination param var params = "dest=" + encodeURIComponent(dest); showRegistrationLayer('show',params, false, 0); } //bganesan 01/15/10 - Create a new function, to load the original page the user was on, when trying to add the item to favorites //so that the location is loaded and the product is added to favorites. function displayRegistrationLayer(dest,location) { // set the destination param and the location. var params = "dest=" + encodeURIComponent(dest) + "&location=" + encodeURIComponent(location); showRegistrationLayer('closeshow',params, false, 0); } function displayRegistrationLayerThenReload() { showRegistrationLayer('closeshow',params, true, 0); } /* Function(s) to Show the Registration Layer */ function showRegistrationLayer(action,params,refreshPage,refreshDelayTime) { if( (action == "show") || (action == "showFromQuickview") || (action == "closeshow") ){ showRegistrationLayerLoading(regLoadingHTML); requestURL = registrationLayerCommand[0]; // Resize widget container which is shared by other layers var $loginContainer = $('#widget-registration'); $loginContainer.css('width','490px').center().css('top','160px'); } else if(action == "addProduct") { showRegistrationLayerLoading(regSimpleHTML); requestURL = registrationLayerCommand[1];} else if(action == "addEnsemble") { showRegistrationLayerLoading(regSimpleHTML); requestURL = registrationLayerCommand[2];} else if(action == "remove") { showRegistrationLayerLoading(regLoadingHTML); requestURL = registrationLayerCommand[3];} else if(action == "addVariety") { showRegistrationLayerLoading(regSimpleHTML); requestURL = registrationLayerCommand[1];} else { alert("missing action"); } requestURL = requestURL; params = "ts=" + timestamp() + "&action=" + action + "&" + params; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: requestURL, data: params, dataType: "html", timeout: 15000, success: function(data) { hideRegLoading(); $(registrationLayerContainerId).append(data); $(registrationLayerContainerId).show(); if (refreshPage != undefined && refreshPage) { setTimeout( function() { location.reload(true); }, refreshDelayTime != undefined? refreshDelayTime : 0); } return true; }, complete: function() { if (action == 'closeshow') { $('.colorBoxClose').show(); // was .widget-close-but, widget and colorbox layers share same html if(!$('#cboxOverlay').length){ $('body').append('
'); } else { $('#cboxOverlay').show(); } setTimeout(function(){ $(document).one("layerUtil_closed", function(){ hideReg(); }); /* $('.colorBoxClose, #cboxOverlay').click(function() { hideReg(); $('#cboxOverlay').hide(); }); */ },10); } var labelTimer; if (labelTimer != null){ clearTimeout(labelTimer); labelTimer = null; } labelTimer = setTimeout(function(){ setFormLabels(); },500); }, error: function() { hideRegLoading(); return false; } }); }; function showRegistrationLayerLoading(htmlToShow) { $(registrationLayerContainerId).remove(); //load, position, show new cart $("body").append(htmlToShow); positionRegistrationLayer(); $(registrationLayerContainerId).show(); }; function hideRegLoading() { $(registrationLayerContainerId + " *").remove(); $(registrationLayerContainerId).html(""); }; //Center the positionRegistrationLayer function positionRegistrationLayer() { $(registrationLayerContainerId).center(); }; //Edit this function if need to do something special on basket close. function hideReg() { $(registrationLayerContainerId).hide(); $(registrationLayerContainerId).remove(); };