var storeSelectionLayerCommand = new Array(8);
storeSelectionLayerCommand[0] = '/includes/store_selector_layer.jsp';
storeSelectionLayerCommand[1] = '/custserv/locate_store_layer.cmd';
storeSelectionLayerCommand[2] = '/custserv/save_user_store.cmd';
storeSelectionLayerCommand[3] = '/custserv/store_detail.jsp?viewStoreId=';
storeSelectionLayerCommand[4] = '/custserv/save_user_store.cmd?storeId=';
storeSelectionLayerCommand[5] = '/includes/store_selector_only_layer.jsp';
storeSelectionLayerCommand[6] = '/custserv/locate_store_only_layer.cmd';
var storeSelectionLayerFixedContainerId = "#widget-fixed-store-selection-layer";
var storeSelectionLayerContainerId = "#widget-storeSelection";
var storeSelectionLayerCloseButClass = ".widget-close-but";
var hideTimeOuts= new Array();
var ssLoadingHTML = '
var ssSimpleHTML = '';
//var htmls = new Hash();
//var markers = new Hash();
//var toHtmls = new Hash();
//var fromHtmls = new Hash();
//var geocoder;
//if (typeof(GClientGeocoder) != 'undefined') {
// geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
function saveUserStoreFixed(storeId) {
saveUserStoreWithParams(storeId, true);
function saveUserStore(storeId) {
saveUserStoreWithParams(storeId, false);
function saveUserStoreNoClose(storeId) {
saveUserStoreWithParams(storeId, false, true)
function saveUserStoreWithParams(storeId, fixed, noClose) {
if (fixed === undefined) {
fixed = false;
if (noClose == undefined) {
noClose = false;
var params = "storeId=" + storeId;
var postURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[2] + "?" + params;
if (!fixed){
type: "POST",
url: postURL,
dataType: "html",
timeout: 15000,
complete: function() {
success: function(data) {
location.reload(true); // Reload once we've set the store on the server.
error: function() {
function searchStoreLayer() {
function searchStoreLayerFixed() {
function searchStoreLayerNoClose() {
function searchStoreLayerWithParams(params) {
var cityStateZip = ($("input[name=cityStateZipLayer]").val());
var clientLat = '';
var clientLong = '';
var isStore = isStoreSelected();
var isSignedIn = document.getElementById('userSignedInData').value; // from header.jsp
var requestURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[1];
if ((isSignedIn === "false") && (isStore === false)) {
requestURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[1];
} else if ((isSignedIn === "true") && (isStore === false)) {
requestURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[6]; // return to store_selector_only_layer.jsp
// build the query with a radius of 50.
params = "cityStateZip=" + encodeURIComponent(cityStateZip) + "&radius=50&" + params;
// clientLat =;
// clientLong = geocode.lng();
params = params + "&latitude=" + clientLat + "&longitude=" + clientLong;
//alert( "Lat-" + clientLat + " Long-" + clientLong );
// var postURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[1] + "?" + params ;
var postURL = requestURL + "?" + params ;
type: "POST",
url: postURL,
dataType: "html",
timeout: 15000,
complete: function() {
success: function(data) {
return true;
error: function() {
//return false;
// Just a throttle that will stop a client geo code loop from happening.
var attemptedClientGeoCodeInLayer = false;
// this provides similar functionality to searchStoreLayerWithParams but it will
// attempt to geocode the stuff.
function searchStoreLayerGeocodedWithParams(params, cityStateZip) {
var clientLat = '';
var clientLong = '';
if (attemptedClientGeoCodeInLayer) {
attemptedClientGeoCodeInLayer = true;
// build the query with a radius of 50.
params = "cityStateZip=" + encodeURIComponent(cityStateZip) + "&radius=50&" + params;
var clientGeoCoder = new GClientGeocoder();
function(geocode) { // sfarrugia 12/29/2009 - commenting here call back function for the getLatLng function.
if (!geocode) {
// sfarrugia 12/29/2009 - just let the ajax call deal with displaying hte message - no need
// for the alert.
return false;
} else {
// submit the populated form
//alert( + " " + geocode.lng() );
clientLat =;
clientLong = geocode.lng();
params = params + "&latitude=" + clientLat + "&longitude=" + clientLong;
//alert( "Lat-" + clientLat + " Long-" + clientLong );
var postURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[1] + "?" + params ;
type: "POST",
url: postURL,
dataType: "html",
timeout: 15000,
complete: function() {
success: function(data) {
return true;
error: function() {
//return false;
function displayStoreSelectionLayer() {
showStoreSelectionLayer('show','', false, 0);
function displayStoreSelectionLayerFixed() {
showStoreSelectionLayer('fixedshow','fixed=true', false, 0);
function displayStoreSelectionLayerNoClose() {
showStoreSelectionLayer('nocloseshow', 'noclose=true', false, 0);
function displayStoreSelectionLayer(dest) {
// set the destination param
params = "dest=" + dest;
showStoreSelectionLayer('show',params, false, 0);
/* Function(s) to Show the storeSelection Layer */
function showStoreSelectionLayer(action,params,refreshPage,refreshDelayTime) {
var isStore = isStoreSelected();
// var isSignedIn = isSignedIn();
var isSignedIn = document.getElementById('userSignedInData').value; // from header.jsp
if( (action == "show") || (action == "fixedshow") || (action == "nocloseshow") ) {
requestURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[0];
if ((isSignedIn === "false") && (isStore === false)) {
requestURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[0];
} else if ((isSignedIn === "true") && (isStore === false)) {
requestURL = storeSelectionLayerCommand[5];
} else {
alert("missing action");
requestURL = requestURL;
params = "ts=" + timestamp() + "&action=" + action + "&" + params;
type: "POST",
url: requestURL,
data: params,
dataType: "html",
timeout: 15000,
success: function(data) {
if (action == 'fixedshow') {
} else if (action == 'nocloseshow') {
} else {
if (refreshPage != undefined && refreshPage) {
setTimeout( function() { location.reload(true); }, refreshDelayTime != undefined? refreshDelayTime : 0);
return true;
complete: function() {
$(storeSelectionLayerCloseButClass).click(function() { hideStoreLayer(); });
if (action == 'show') {
} else {
$('#cboxOverlay').click(function() {
var labelTimer;
if (labelTimer != null){
labelTimer = null;
labelTimer = setTimeout(function(){
error: function() {
return false;
function showStoreSelectionLayerLoading(htmlToShow) {
//load, position, show new cart
function hideStoreLayerLoading() {
$(storeSelectionLayerContainerId + " *").remove();
//Center the positionstoreSelectionLayer
function positionStoreSelectionLayer() {
//Bring the positionstoreSelectionLayer down a bit since the center function is better suited to larger layers
$(storeSelectionLayerContainerId).css('top', '160px');
//Display the layer in a fixed area.
function positionStoreSelectionLayerFixed() {
//alert('position fixed');
//Edit this function if need to do something special on basket close.
function hideStoreLayer() {
if ($('#cboxOverlay').length){
// sfarrugia 8/27/2009
// Check to see if the store is not selected
function noStoreSelected() {
return (!isStoreSelected());
// sfarrugia 8/27/2009
// Check to see if the store is selected by checking local divs
function isStoreSelected() {
if ( $('.selectedStoreIdData').length ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// sfarrugia 12/31/2009 - Submits the form and allows for some special behavior here if needed.
function submitSearchForm(formId) {
if (formId === undefined) {
formId = "locateStoreForm";
var form = document.getElementById(formId); // grab the form object.
var searchValue = form.cityStateZip.value;
// clear lat and long in case it came through already from a previous successful display.
form.latitude.value = '';
form.longitude.value = '';
// stran: to validate city, state, zip code string
// alpha, numeric, hyphens, commas and apostrophes accepted
var objRegExp = /^([a-zA-Z0-9-,\s'])*$/;
if (!objRegExp.test(searchValue)) {
alert("Please enter a valid City & State, or ZIP Code.");
return false;
return true;
// sfarrugia 12/31/2009 - Submit the form after geo coding the lat and long.
//function submitGeoCodedSearchForm(formId) {
// if (formId === undefined || formId == '') {
// formId = "locateStoreForm";
// }
// var form = document.getElementById(formId); // grab the form object.
// var searchValue = form.cityStateZip.value;
// //
// // we dont know what the coords are so go to google to grab
// // them.
// //
// // stran: to validate city, state, zip code string
// // alpha, numeric, hyphens, commas and apostrophes accepted
// var objRegExp = /^([a-zA-Z0-9-,\s'])*$/;
// if (!objRegExp.test(searchValue)) {
// alert("Please enter a valid City & State, or ZIP Code.");
// return false;
// }
// geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
// geocoder.getLatLng(
// searchValue,
// function(geocode) { // sfarrugia 12/29/2009 - commenting here
// // call back function for the getLatLng function.
// if (!geocode) {
// //
// // what we have here... is.. a failure to communicate
// //
// // Updated by stran, to change the error message according to UIS
// alert("Please enter a valid City & State, or ZIP Code.");
// return false;
// } else {
// //
// // submit the populated form
// //
// // alert( + " " + geocode.lng() );
// //
// submitGeoCodeResultsForm(form,, geocode.lng());
// }
// }
// );
// return false;
//function submitGeoCodeResultsForm(form, lat, lng) {
// //
// //
// // copy the passed latitude and longitude results to the form
// // and submit it
// //
// form.latitude.value = lat;
// form.longitude.value = lng;
// form.submit();
//function initializeMap(lat, lng, radius) {
// MyMapInitialize("map", lat, lng, 12 - Math.ceil(radius/15), MYMODE_MAP);
// MyMapAddMarker(lat, lng, MYMARKER_TYPE2);
//function initializeMapAllStores(lat, lng) {
// MyMapInitialize("map", lat, lng, 3, MYMODE_MAP);
// This function picks up the click and opens the corresponding info window
//function myClick(i) {
// showme(i);
//MyMapOpenWindow(markers.getItem(i), htmls.getItem(i));
//function toHere(id) {
// $('div#marker' + id + ' .toHere').show();
// $('div#marker' + id + ' .fromHere').hide();
// $('div#marker' + id).parent().find('.streetView').hide();
// $('div#marker' + id + ' .infoWindowDirections.default').hide();
//function fromHere(id) {
// $('div#marker' + id + ' .fromHere').show();
// $('div#marker' + id + ' .toHere').hide();
// $('div#marker' + id).parent().find('.streetView').hide();
// $('div#marker' + id + ' .infoWindowDirections.default').hide();
//// functions that open the directions forms
//function toHere(i) {
// MyMapOpenWindow(markers.getItem(i),toHtmls.getItem(i));
//function fromHere(i) {
// MyMapOpenWindow(markers.getItem(i),fromHtmls.getItem(i));
// move this to include so other people can use it?
//function Hash()
// this.length = 0;
// this.items = new Array();
// for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
// if (typeof(arguments[i + 1]) != 'undefined') {
// this.items[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1];
// this.length++;
// }
// }
// this.removeItem = function(in_key)
// {
// var tmp_value;
// if (typeof(this.items[in_key]) != 'undefined') {
// this.length--;
// var tmp_value = this.items[in_key];
// delete this.items[in_key];
// }
// return tmp_value;
// }
// this.getItem = function(in_key) {
// return this.items[in_key];
// }
// this.setItem = function(in_key, in_value)
// {
// if (typeof(in_value) != 'undefined') {
// if (typeof(this.items[in_key]) == 'undefined') {
// this.length++;
// }
// this.items[in_key] = in_value;
// }
// return in_value;
// }
// this.hasItem = function(in_key)
// {
// return typeof(this.items[in_key]) != 'undefined';
// }