Raising Funds For a Brighter Future
Earn money for your local school while you shop! Now through June 7, 2025, choose from over 1,500 participating products.
Shop NowStep 1: What School Dollars Are
When you buy 4 Participating Products you'll earn 3 School Dollars.
If 100 families buy 4 products each week (3 School Dollars) for the entire program, your school will raise $3,300!
You'll receive your printed School Dollars with your receipt at checkout. School Dollars are easy to donate by downloading our app.
Download AppStep 2: How to Shop to Earn School Dollars
When shopping for participating products, look for the shelf tags in-store or the apple icon while shopping online with Hannaford To Go.
Shopping In-Store

Look for shelf tags on over 1,500 participating products.
Hannaford To Go

Look for the apple icon on over 1,500 products online.
Step 3: How to Donate School Dollars
Helps Schools App
Donate School Dollars directly to your participating school with our app. The app will save your information, making it easy to come back to donate your School Dollars.
Download AppOnline Redemption Hub
Donate School Dollars directly to any participating school with our Online Redemption Hub.
Redemption HubKid-Approved Participating Products
Quick References & Info
If your school is already registered, great! You don't need to re-register each year. If you would like to change the store you're registered at, please contact us at the phone number or email at the bottom of this page.
Questions about Hannaford Helps Schools?
Please call us at (603) 380-9353 or email us using the link below.
Contact Us